Monday, March 23, 2009

Monday blog-a-round

For today's blog-a-around, links to some of the posts responding to President Obama's quip on “The Tonight Show” on March 19 (video here) comparing his modest bowling skills to those of athletes who have disabilities.

Planet of the Blind: Special Olympics in the White House basement
Bad Cripple: Obama and the Special Olympics: an off-hand remark?
Big Noise: Dear Mr President
Wheelchair Catholic: The question
In bed with Frida Kahlo: Oh Please, Obama! - "special” olympics comment critique misses the mark! Special Olympics: For Who?
All4myGals: Obama's gaffe
Finding My Way: It was like the Special Olympics or something
Walking is Overrated: Obama makes crass Special Olympics joke during Jay Leno interview
Scothoser's Corner: Deriding the Special Olympics: a window in our society
Leaving Treadmarkz: President Obama bashes Special Olympics

See also journalist John Hockenberry's discussion of the incident on his radio show, The Takeaway

(thanks to Media dis&dat for some of these links)