Friday, January 18, 2008

Michigan Activists at Ashley X Debate Today

Today, Michigan youth disability rights activists fliered and participated in an event at Calvin College that featured Ashley X doctor Douglas Diekema as a featured speaker. Dr. Diekema spoke about the "Ashley Treatment" before an estimated crowd of 1000. The auditorium, estimated to hold 600, was full, and the remaining crowd was redirected into an overflow room.

FRIDA friends who represented reported that after speaking at length on the Ashley X case, Dr. Diekema only answered two questions. The first was from someone we don't know who wanted to know how many people were on the Seattle Children's institutional review board. The second question, from Joe Stramondo (who is clearly a power chair user), basically dealt with whether Ashley's parents seriously considered community supports.

Many parents and advocates attended this event. We are awaiting further write-ups from those who attended and will link as they become available. In the meantime, visit the following news story: