Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Online Petition for Emilio Gonzalez: Please Sign

The clock is still ticking on Emilio Gonzalez in Texas. As an added way to help, Linda Edwards of Rochester, New York, has created an online petition with the support of FRIDA. THANK YOU Linda! Linda will monitor the website and forward your signatures to Governor Perry's office. This is a great way for individuals to show their continued support for Emilio and his mom. What you say MATTERS, whether you say it by phone, email, online, fax...

This is the link: http://www.petitiononline.com/emilio16/petition.html. Please sign and leave a comment. Distribute to everyone you know. Bounce it around the world. Let's keep up the pressure, everybody! The text of Linda's petition statement is pasted below for those who want a quick look.

The FRIDA Fighters

To: Texas Governor Perry

A Reaction to the Proposed Removal of Emilio Gonzales Life Support

Dear Governor Perry,

This coming Friday, 23 March 2007, 16 month old Emilio Gonzales, against the wishes of his mother, is going to be taken off the respirator that is keeping him alive. We, the undersigned individuals and organizations, join disability rights activists and feminist disability rights activists across the country in denouncing this action as cruel and inhumane.

Under the provisions of The Texas Futile Care Law, the doctors treating Emilio for Leigh's Disease have overrided the wishes of his mother, Catarino Gonzales, that he be given more time to live. With the backing of the hospital's ethics committee, doctors have determined that treatment is "medically futile" and that if another hospital cannot be found for Emilio by Friday, then they will remove his ventilator and feeding tube, which will result in his death.

It is not the severity of Emilio's illness that is at issue here. Rather, we are opposed to the state-sanctioned removal of Emilio's life support and the violation of his human and civil rights and protections. We also join his mother, Catarina Gonzales, in her condemnation of doctors "godlike position," and believe her fight for the right of Emilio to live is life-sustaining and life-affirmative. Counter to the perspective of doctors, we do not believe it is undignifying to be on life support.

Please act today!!!! Time is running out. Please stop Emilio's 10-day death countdown. Although there are moves to overturn the futility care law to "treatment pending transfer," Emilio cannot wait until the law changes.

Like 6 month old Sun Hudson, who was disconnected from his life support in 2005, against the wishes of his mother, Emilio can't wait for a change in the law. He will die on Friday when he is removed from his ventilator.

The Undersigned